Clean Swift Mentorship Program

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By joining the mentorship program, you’ll be able to:

  • Participate in our private Slack team to get help when you’re stuck
  • Get instant access to screencast tutorials in our private Wistia group There are currently two screencast series on the following topics on: (over 3.5 hours) and (over 1.5 hours and expanding)
  • Learn how to use Core Data, NSFetchedResultsController, and A/B testing techniques with advanced workers from sample apps I do for members
  • Structure your apps using container view controllers
  • Persist data by building an encapsulated layer using Core Data and convert between managed objects and entity models
  • Extract your networking code to dedicated workers and establish a CRUD API so that changes in JSON structures do not break your app or tests
  • Evolve your unit testing skills to apply effectively to your apps
  • Access to time saving expert advice and answers to your questions
  • Share your successes and struggles to gain new perspectives
  • Learn real world software engineering skills to level up your career
  • Get project specific help using screen sharing and pair programming
  • Monthly roundups to summarize important takeaways so you don’t miss a beat
  • Code review to post your own code to receive constructive feedback
  • Post your projects and availability in the marketplace channel

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$149 a month

Clean Swift Mentorship Program

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